Original name: Cartagena (2000) | Designer: Leo Colovini | Artists: Basaglia&Longo | Publisher: XXX | Players: 2-5 | Age: 8+ | Time: 45′ | Price: 20-25€
Cartagena is a competitive board game for 2 to 5 players in which you’ll turn into pirates breaking out of the Cartagena fortress jail in the year 1672.
You’ll have to guide your pirates carefully and make them reach the boat as soon as possible that will take them to the cove on Tortuga’s Island. Choose wisely every step you take, you don’t want the other sea scum beating you in the race.

In this review we’ll talk about the game: type, price, designer, illustrator, publisher… We’ll show you its components and talk about their quality. We’ll give you a quick idea of its mechanics and how it is played. We’ll finish off with a review where we’ll share our opinion and help you on your purchase.
Games on Board, we do the reading, you do the playing.