. Leoric of the Book (EN) “If my years of study have taught me anything, it is that I am
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We do the reading, you do the playing
. Leoric of the Book (EN) “If my years of study have taught me anything, it is that I am
Continue reading »Syndrael . Syndrael (EN) “You swear undying loyalty, yet you are mortal. What can you know of commitment?“ Syndrael (ES)
Continue reading ». Tomble Burrowell (EN) “Don’t think of this as you being robbed. Instead, think of it as you donating to
Continue reading ». Widow Tarha (EN) “I have nothing left to lose. Yet, there is so much more power for me to
Continue reading »ARCADIA QUEST INFERNO Original name: Arcadia Quest Inferno (2017) | Designers: Eric M. Lang,Thiago Aranha, Guilherme Goulart, Fred Perret | Artist: Andrea Cofrancesco
Continue reading »ARCADIA QUEST INFERNO Nombre original: Arcadia Quest Inferno (2017) | Autores: Thiago Aranha, Guilherme Goulart, Eric M. Lang, Fred Perret | Ilustrador: Andrea
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Continue reading ». Bellya’al (EN) “You guys, stop that! It tickles!!” Bellya’al (ES) “¡Eh! ¡Parad! ¡Que hace cosquillas!” . . Click image
Continue reading ». Benjamin (EN) “We must always obey the rules, no matter what the cost! Remember there’s a summary on the
Continue reading ». Cerberus (EN) “Oh, that hero looks tasty-Quiet! The one in red is-Squirrel-SHUT UP, MAURY!!” Cerberus (ES) “Mmm, que rico
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