. Ashrian (EN) “I no more understand why I can hear the spirits speak than I understand why you cannot.“
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We do the reading, you do the playing
. Ashrian (EN) “I no more understand why I can hear the spirits speak than I understand why you cannot.“
Continue reading ». Avric Albright (EN) “I pledge myself to those in need. I will be their shield, their light in the
Continue reading »Grisban the Thirsty (EN) “All this killing is thirsty work. Drink with me!“ Grisban el Sediento (ES) “Tanto matar me
Continue reading ». Jain Fairwood (EN) “Out here in the wilds, I protect those who have misjudged me.“ Jain Bosquebello (ES) “Aquí,
Continue reading ». Leoric of the Book (EN) “If my years of study have taught me anything, it is that I am
Continue reading »Syndrael . Syndrael (EN) “You swear undying loyalty, yet you are mortal. What can you know of commitment?“ Syndrael (ES)
Continue reading ». Tomble Burrowell (EN) “Don’t think of this as you being robbed. Instead, think of it as you donating to
Continue reading ». Widow Tarha (EN) “I have nothing left to lose. Yet, there is so much more power for me to
Continue reading »DESCENT: VIAJE A LAS TINIEBLAS 2ª ED. Nombre original: Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Ed (2012) | Autores: Daniel Clark,
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